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2024年08月28日 22:17


Yes. Tu Shan Ya Ya is one of the main characters in the Chinese comic "Fox Spirit Matchmaker" and its derivative works. She is a nine-tailed celestial fox and also the leader of the Monster Alliance. She has powerful cold demonic power and became the most powerful fighter of Tu Shan after her sister Tu Shan Hong Hong left. Although she appears haughty and indifferent on the outside, she is actually rather tsundere. She greatly admires her sister and regards her as her idol. Therefore, she has doubts about whether Tu Shan Su Su, who has no demonic power at all, is her sister or not. When she was young, she was naughty and liked money. She would feel sleepy when bored and sometimes wouldn't wake up for more than ten days. She hates it when others say that she is not the number one in Tu Shan. Her character is haughty, cold, and powerful. She is decisive and willing to admit defeat when gambling. She won't do anything without benefits. When accepting requests, she asks the other party to show the "interesting side". When dealing with boring things, she will fall asleep. Although she seems superior, she actually has a free and easy personality and everything is centered around her own preferences. She is a sister complex and has always imitated Hong Hong in using powerful moves and communicates with others using the Tu Shan long-distance sound transmission technique without opening her mouth. Regarding Su Su, she has very complex and contradictory feelings. On the one hand, she brings her longing and missing for Hong Hong into Su Su. On the other hand, she harbors resentment towards this "useless waste" and thus shows a cold and indifferent attitude, but will come to save her at critical moments. 等待电视剧的同时,也可以点击下方链接来阅读《狐妖小红娘》原著提前了解剧情了!



  1. 你真的了解涂山雅雅吗

    涂山雅雅是中国漫画《狐妖小红娘》及其衍生作品中的主要角色之一。 她是涂山苏苏的姐姐,涂山现任族长,也是妖盟盟主。在漫画版中,她披发、散刘海、有兽耳,长相美丽,时常携带无尽酒葫,瞳色为红色,战斗时会变...

    1个回答2024年09月10日 12:51
  2. 你真的了解涂山雅雅吗英语

    Yes. Tu Shan Ya Ya is one of the main characters in the Chinese comic "Fox Spirit Matchmaker" and it...

    1个回答2024年08月28日 22:17
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    1个回答2024年08月23日 20:37
  4. 涂山雅雅厉害吗

    涂山雅雅非常厉害。她是九尾天狐,也是妖盟的盟主,拥有强大的寒气妖力,在姐姐涂山红红离开后成为涂山第一战力。其外表高傲冷漠,但实际上很傲娇。 等待电视剧的同时,也可以点击下方链接来阅读《狐妖小红娘》...

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  8. 涂山雅雅很强吗

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    1个回答2024年08月15日 17:50
  9. 你真的了解涂山雅雅吗

    涂山雅雅是中国漫画《狐妖小红娘》及其衍生作品中的主要角色之一。 她是涂山的二当家,九尾天狐,亦是妖盟的盟主,有着强大的寒气妖力,在姐姐涂山红红离开后成为涂山第一战力。 涂山雅雅外表高傲冷漠,但实际...

    1个回答2024年08月14日 23:00
  10. 涂山雅雅真的喜欢东方月初吗


    1个回答2024年08月03日 15:38