A long time ago, the Pirate King, Gold D. Roger, said before his death, "Do you want my wealth? All my wealth is there. I left it somewhere in the Grand Line!" Because of these words, more and more people journeyed to the Grand Line to find the wealth, but no one has ever found the treasure, and the Grand Line is the most dangerous place in the world. A boy named Monkey D. Luffy wants to become the next Pirate King. On his journey, Luffy met eight other partners and formed a pirate group called the Straw Hat Pirates. Luffy accidentally ate a Devil Fruit, which made his body gain the properties of rubber. His dream is to find the legendary One Piece and become the King of the Pirates. Roronoa Zoro is a swordsman skilled with three swords. His dream is to become the best swordsman in the world. He is poor at understanding directions and gets lost very easily. He also sleeps soundly and loves to drink. Tony Tony Chopper is a very cute doctor. He is a blue - nosed reindeer who gained human abilities by eating a Devil Fruit. He can communicate with humans and animals alike and has a tendency to believe anything he is told. The other partners also have their own beliefs and dreams. This is a story about how these brave people fight with their enemies for respect and their dreams, all while on the quest to find One Piece.
《异人之下》漫画主要讲述了 21 世纪中国“异人世界”发生的故事。大学生张楚岚得知爷爷的坟墓被盗后回到村里,认识了冒牌姐姐冯宝宝。张楚岚因爷爷的“遗产”成为异人界争夺的目标,他加入“哪都通”公司,为了...
关于《海贼王》的英文版,目前有一些相关内容。比如在某些资料中提到,英文版存在一些错误,如标题翻译不准确等。同时,还能获取到如海贼王 1100 话、1105 话的英文版高清漫画全图。
《海贼王》的故事围绕着蒙奇·D·路飞展开。哥尔·D·罗杰完成伟大航路航行后被世界政府处死,他的财富“One Piece”引发了“大海贼时代”。路飞生长在东海的小村庄,受海贼香克斯的精神影响立志成为出色...
哥尔·D·罗杰是罗杰海贼团的船长,他完成伟大航路航行后向世界政府自首,被公开处死,他的财富被称为大秘宝“ONE PIECE”,从而开启“大海贼时代”。生长在东海小村庄的路飞受海贼香克斯精神指引,立志成...
《海贼王》讲述了立志成为出色海盗的蒙奇·D·路飞,为寻找海贼王哥尔·D·罗杰留下的财富“One Piece”出海冒险的故事。 哥尔·D·罗杰早年间完成伟大航路航行后向世界政府自首被处死,他的财富被称...
A long time ago, the Pirate King, Gold D. Roger, said before his death, "Do you want my wealth? All ...
《海贼王》讲述路飞为寻找海贼王罗杰留下的“One Piece”出海冒险。他因与红发相遇有了梦想并踏上旅程,途中不断结识伙伴。路飞吃了恶魔果实成为橡胶人,他们沿着历史正文在伟大航路前行,为梦想与敌人战斗...
《海贼王》讲述了立志成为出色海盗的蒙奇·D·路飞,为寻找海贼王哥尔·D·罗杰留下的财富“One Piece”出海冒险的故事。 哥尔·D·罗杰早年间完成伟大航路航行后向世界政府自首,被公开处死,他的财...