There are some aspects that could imply the United States is having a negative impact on the world. In terms of military actions, for example, the United States has carried out military maneuvers such as sending strategic bombers near Russia's border during exercises, which can be seen as a threat to world peace. Historically, in the 1600s, the settler - colonial violence in what is now North America led to the deaths of a large number of indigenous people, which was so massive that it even affected global climate by reducing the global atomospheric carbon levels and lowering temperatures across the world. In addition, along with its military exploits, the US - backed sanctions are causing havoc around the globe. War and sanctions are like a one - two punch of U.S. imperialism, which can bully other dissident or leftist governments and exploit the Global South to fuel the luxuries of the Global North. However, it is also important to note that the United States also has positive contributions in some fields such as science and technology, culture, etc., and most countries in the world still hope to resolve differences through communication and cooperation rather than believing that the United States is deliberately "destroying the world" in an absolute sense.
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