**"My Impressions after Watching 'Gua Sha Treatment'"** After watching the movie "Gua Sha Treatment," I have some profound thoughts. At the start of the film, when XuDatong received an award and made a speech, it seemed he thought he had fully achieved the American Dream. However, this was just the beginning of the cultural clashes. His statement showed that he thought he had blended into the American society completely, overlooking the multicultural barriers that still existed. This made me realize how different cultures can create misunderstandings. For example, many non - Americans, like some of my classmates, have their own versions of the American Dream, which might not be as easy to realize as they initially thought. When Xu hit his son Denis because Denis hit the son of his boss, it was a typical example of cultural differences. Xu thought it was a way to show respect to his boss, but this "Chinese logic" was completely incomprehensible to Americans. In America, people respect everyone equally, including children, and would not use such a method to please their superiors. The care for children also varies greatly between the two cultures. In America, leaving children alone at home is illegal, and there are institutions like the Children Welfare Agency to safeguard children's rights. In contrast, in China, this situation is more common. This shows that Americans attach great importance to children's rights. Another aspect is following the procedure. In the movie, Americans strictly adhered to rules and procedures. For instance, at Christmas Eve, Xu was not allowed to enter his home as Santa Claus because the security followed the rules. In China, people often rely on asking for favors to do things, which is quite different from the American style. Finally, the American humor in the movie is also very distinctive. Even in dangerous situations, there are humorous lines, which is not as common in China. In conclusion, this movie made me understand the differences between Chinese and American cultures more deeply, and it also made me think about how we should respect and understand different cultures in a globalized world. **"My Thoughts on '50 First Dates'"** "50 First Dates" is a very touching movie. The story of Lucy, who wakes up every day forgetting what happened in the past year except for a certain Sunday, is both sad and heartwarming. When she meets Henry, their relationship is full of challenges because of her memory problem. Henry's efforts to make every day a new "first date" for her are really moving. This movie makes me think about the power of love and perseverance. Henry's daily tapes for Lucy show his deep love and determination. He doesn't give up on Lucy, even though she forgets him every day. It also makes me realize how precious memory is. Lucy, on the other hand, with her daily gratitude towards Henry, shows that love can be felt even without complete memory. In general, this movie not only tells a romantic love story but also makes people think about the importance of love, memory, and the value of every day.
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