Title: The World that Makes Me Nauseated In modern society, there are numerous aspects that make me feel nauseated. One of the most disturbing elements is the prevalence of injustice. We often see the powerless being bullied, the poor being exploited, and the innocent being wronged. For example, in some areas, people of ethnic minorities or those from underprivileged backgrounds face discrimination in various forms, such as in employment, education, and daily life. This kind of unfair treatment is like a festering sore on the body of our society, making it hard for me to bear. Another aspect is environmental pollution. The air we breathe is filled with pollutants, especially in big cities. Factories emit large amounts of harmful gases, and vehicles release exhaust fumes. The rivers are also polluted. Some industrial waste is directly discharged into the water, making the water dirty and smelly. The once beautiful natural environment has been seriously damaged, and this destruction makes me feel sick. Moreover, the lack of moral values in some people is also nauseating. We can see that some individuals are only concerned about their own interests, regardless of the well - being of others. They lie, cheat, and are greedy. In business, there are often cases of false advertising and the production of shoddy goods. In personal relationships, some people break their promises and betray their friends without hesitation. All in all, this world, with so many problems, really makes me feel nauseated. However, we should also be aware that only by taking positive actions can we gradually change this situation and make the world a better place.
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I built a city in the mountains.
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