《死亡诗社》是一部发人深省的电影,以下是一些关于它的英语体会: **一、关于教育理念** 1. **传统与创新的碰撞** - In the movie "Dead Poets Society", there is a sharp contrast between traditional and innovative education concepts. The school, with its high - pressure and rule - bound environment, represents traditional education. For example, it adheres to rote learning and strict discipline. However, Mr. Keating brings a new wave of educational thought. His teaching methods, like asking students to rip out the pages of the textbook for poetry evaluation, encourage students to think independently and question the established norms. This shows that education should not be just about following the old ways blindly but should also inspire students to explore and think for themselves. 2. **The role of the teacher** - Mr. Keating is a very special teacher. He is not only teaching knowledge but also inspiring the students' souls. He uses various creative ways in class, such as leading students to look at the portraits of former students to make them realize the brevity of life. A good teacher should be like him, guiding students to discover their true selves and pursue their dreams rather than simply imparting knowledge. His presence in the school is like a fresh breeze, challenging the traditional teaching model and trying to awaken the students' inner passion for life and learning. **二、关于学生成长与梦想** 1. **Neil's story** - Neil's character is a tragic example of the struggle between family expectations and personal dreams. He loves acting passionately, but his father has high - handed control over his future, forcing him to study medicine at Harvard. Neil is caught in a dilemma. On one hand, he is influenced by Mr. Keating's teachings to pursue his dreams; on the other hand, he cannot resist his father's authority. Eventually, his inability to fulfill his acting dream leads to his tragic end. This shows that in the process of students' growth, family support and understanding of their dreams are crucial. If parents force their children to do things against their will, it may lead to disastrous consequences. 2. **The importance of dreams** - The movie also emphasizes the importance of dreams for students. Through Mr. Keating's teaching, students begin to understand that they should have their own ideals and pursue them actively. Todd, for example, who is initially shy and lacks self - confidence, gradually finds his own voice under Mr. Keating's influence. Dreams are like a lighthouse in students' lives, guiding them to move forward and become unique individuals. **三、关于自由与传统的思考** 1. **The pursuit of freedom** - The concept of "carpe diem" (seize the day) runs through the movie. Mr. Keating encourages students to break free from the shackles of tradition and pursue freedom. The students' standing on desks and shouting "Oh, captain, my captain" at the end is a powerful manifestation of their pursuit of freedom. It shows that in a traditional and repressive environment, the pursuit of freedom is an inborn longing of the human spirit. However, this pursuit also comes with a price, as Mr. Keating loses his job in the end because his teaching methods are not accepted by the traditional school system. 2. **The value of tradition** - While the movie promotes the pursuit of freedom, it also makes us think about the value of tradition. The school's traditional education system also has its reasons for existence, such as ensuring high - quality teaching and a good academic atmosphere. But it should not be so rigid as to suppress students' individuality and creativity. There should be a balance between tradition and freedom, so that students can grow up in an environment that respects both the past and their own development. In conclusion, "Dead Poets Society" is a movie full of educational significance and humanistic thinking. It makes us reflect on education, family, dreams, freedom and tradition from different perspectives.
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